Welcome to my blog in which I hope I can help my wife to raise awareness of her condition Fibromyalgia and maybe go some way to helping the partners, friends and family of those suffering with the same disease to understand from 'the other side'. I'm also a sufferer of depression and would like to share my thoughts on this and the battle i've had for nearly twenty years.

Enjoy reading and please feel free to leave comments.

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“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” - Christopher Columbus

Monday 15 February 2010

Hello and lets talk LDN

Hello all,

New to blogging, i'm sure i'll get the hang of it over time, and have plenty to talk about, in fact here is today's thought.

LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) is a drug that can be used to treat lots of problems, from Cancer to AIDS, to MS and Fibromyalgia, it is cheap has hardly any side effects, yet drug companies won't licence it, WHY? i hear you ask, because it is so good that it would mean sales of other drugs would suffer and the big drug companies wouldn't want to see their sales drop, not due to people getting help and feeling better, WTF!!??

Dr Chris Steele (One of the famous TV Doctors) supports it, see here

When will the government wake up and help people, not just think about money all the time!!

There rant and blog over

John xxx


  1. Hey there John, nice to see the "LDN" being mentioned, mine has been prescribed and should have it by the end of the week. The big drug companies are so selfish I can't quite believe it, the more I dig into the stories behind the different drug companies and the GP's or Nuerologists that want to see this drug made available on the NHS the more my jaw drops at the inofrmation I am seeing, it is a very corrupt world when the money men have more control over whether or not you can have a cheaper, safer drug that may help 100 times more than the expensive/profitable drugs.

    Well done John for starting this blog, you never know I might just get one going myself before long, it's all good when we are spreading the word. x

  2. Some more links for the LDN sites

    http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/gazorpa/PatientGuide.html Info for contacing your doctor, very helpful.

    http://www.ldnaware.org/ A fab site crammed full of info on the movement of LDN

    And lastly the main LDN site which will tell all from the beginning to now and what stage the LDN is at when it comes to getting the NHS to stick there hands up say "yes you can get it here" Yeah right?


    There is a lot of research already done for us, just read and see the facts, it could help so many auto-immune conditions, good luck.. x
